Friday, September 12, 2014

Punkin's Secret Jack-O-lantern

 Punkin has a secret he's keeping hidden under his brother, Julius (Get it?  Orange Julius?)

He's got a smiley face on his head!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Little Eyes Opening

We are at 3 weeks old now and momma kitty LOVES her babies

and here are a couple of babies

one day, these little fluffernutters will be CATS!  Can you believe it?

 Momma suddenly has the runs pretty badly.  We gave her a second dose of worming meds.  Pyrantol?  Is that it?  It's on the bottle.  Anyway...yeah, if it doesn't get better, will  need to get a sample to see what other worms she might have going on, poor street urchins.  They usually have everything.